What’s Your Superpower? (Part 8: Secrets of Water Magic)
Welcome back, Apprentice Mages! Thank heavens you've arrived! I need your help. Reina Seaclipse ordered me to babysit her nieces and nephews. But they wanted to play hide-and-seek! Do you see any cheeky, blue-finned water babies,…

What’s Your Superpower? (Part 7: Water Magic Quiz)
Greetings, Mighty Ones! You're probably wondering where I've been all this time. Was I hiccupped into ashes by a dragon? Or squashed into jelly by a huffalot? Impressive! Those guesses are pretty darn accurate... 😉 Okay, fine. I didn't…

What’s Your Superpower? (Part 6: Secrets of Fire Magic)
Welcome back, Apprentice Mages! What a week I had! Fire ants in the underwear drawer. Marshmallow goo on the ceiling. Frankly, I think my spellcraft horrifies Queen Solara. (Tee hee!) You should have seen the look on her face when I dumped…

What’s Your Superpower? (Part 5: Fire Magic Quiz)
Greetings, Mighty Ones! Did you think I'd forgotten you? Nonsense! I was merely perfecting my Wind spells. Since there are four winds—and only one of me—the task proved a wee bit daunting. Remember that twister over Kansas? Uh...…

Ghosts & Séances: How Teenage Psychics Started a New Religion in the United States
Have you ever wondered if Psychic Mediums really can speak to ghosts? While I was researching the séance scene in my bestselling Victorian Romance, Scoundrel for Hire, I learned how teenage girls started Spiritualism in the United States. Here's…

Halloween Quiz: Which Magical Creature Is Your Ideal Ally?
Greetings, Apprentice Mages! As Halloween creeps closer, you may notice that certain animal allies are starting to appear in your front yard. Or under your porch. Or even on your cell phone, as memes! Of course, a wise Mage understands…

What’s Your Superpower? (Part 4: Secrets of Wind Magic)
Welcome back, Apprentice Mages! I spent the week practicing my songspell under the expert tutelage of the mighty Elfin sorceress, WindStrider. Now I can finally sing the neighbor’s barking dog to sleep (and get some shut-eye of my own!) Yes!…

What’s Your Superpower? (Part 3: Wind Magic Quiz)
Greetings, Apprentice Mages! I'm back after a rough couple of days, battling a Huffalot. (Don’t ask.) However, I have not forgotten my mission to help you receive the magical training that you so richly deserve! Today, we shall be…

Need Money? Tuck These Crystals in Your Pocket
Wouldn’t life be great if you became a money magnet? According to the myth makers, semi-precious gemstones can help you achieve that goal. These “pretty rocks” might not be worth much to jewelers, but certain crystals carry the “vibe”…

Dream Prophecy: Abraham Lincoln Foresaw His Assassination
One of the most notorious precognitive dreams in American history was experienced by Abraham Lincoln. On April 11, 1865, only two days after Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattax, Lincoln sat with his wife and several longtime friends,…

Magic for Newbies: How to Become Invisible
So you want to learn how to become invisible, huh? You came to the right place! You won't need incantations, talismans, magical squares, or a functioning wand. You won't even need camouflage clothing! All you need is the strength…

Psychic Writer: How Could I KNOW Something Like That?!
When I connect with my Muse, the weirdest things happen—PSYCHIC things! What’s weirder, the more I write, the more these magical moments occur. Case in point: my work-in-progress is a Romantic suspense novel (Dance to the Devil’s…

What’s Your Superpower? (Part 2: Secrets of Stone Magic)
Welcome back, Apprentice Mages! I have spent the week visiting with Queen Hoodoo (over a few yummy mugs of spud ale, I might add.) Hoodoo, the most powerful practitioner of Stone Magic in my Guardians of Aeld Fantasy series, has graciously…

What’s Your Superpower? (Part 1: Stone Magic Quiz)
Greetings, Mighty Ones! Now you and I both know, you’re secretly a magical prodigy. You have enough spell power in your PINKY to make Merlin the Magician look like a doddering fool. However, as an up-and-coming archmage, you may…

Lions & Tigers & Beer, Oh My! (A Short Story)
Author's Note Every wizard needs a sidekick, right? When I started transitioning from Western Romance into YA Fantasy, I was inspired to start writing short stories around a fun theme, which I call, Wizards of the Wild West. As I developed…

Atlantis Legends: How the Emerald Got Black Flecks
I love myths – especially myths that inspire my Writing Muse. For the plot of my Guardians of Aeld series, I started researching gemstone lore. That’s when I stumbled upon a really cool legend about the Emerald, which dates back to…

Author Learns Hands-On Healing to Write Fantasy Novels
Ten years before anyone had ever heard of a “Paranormal Romance Novel,” I was writing a Romance in which the heroine possessed a special gift for healing people with her hands. (No, that Romance never got published. Bummer! However,…

How a Gratitude Attitude Made Me a Miracle Magnet
Quietly, over the last few weeks, I embarked on a grand adventure. I became a Miracle Magnet during my hour of need -- thanks to developing a clear and consistent Attitude of Gratitude. The adventure started around March 28, when the Universe…

Reincarnation: Did I REALLY Live in the Old West?
After all the cool chats I've been having with other authors about Reincarnation, I had a bizarre experience of my own, that I had to RUN to the keyboard to tell ya'll about. First, I should probably confess that I am wholly open to the idea…

Lucid Dreaming: How to Bust Through Writers Block
I love how my Writing Muse communicates with me through my dreams, especially if I set an intention to bust writer’s block while I sleep. A couple of years ago, I got stalled writing Seduced by an Angel. I panicked, because I was on a…

Dragon Magic: Learn the Secret Rituals of Dragon Warriors
Greetings, Dragon Fans! I have a great book -- with real magic spells -- to recommend. You'll love this book if you . . . Believe that Dragons could exist on some other plane of existence Have ancient memories about Dragons on…

Marfa Ghost Lights: Spooks in West Texas
I’ve been researching all kinds of weird folklore to write Seduced by an Angel, the third novel in my Velvet Lies series of Western Historical Romances -- which all have Paranormal elements. Since I’m setting the book in Texas, circa…

Intuition Helped Me Save a Child’s Life
How can we sense danger before it occurs? How do we attract total strangers who appear, out of the blue, when we need help? Mystics say we’re all connected. Quantum physicists agree. I started working with Intuition as a lark: …

Magic and Monster Books for Apprentice Wizards
Welcome Wizards in Training! As every diligent apprentice (and fantasy fiction writer) knows, one must study gobs of arcane material in order to turn annoying kid brothers into toads, or broccoli into chocolate ice cream – or unpublished…

How the Law of Attraction Made Me a #1 Bestselling Author
Even before I had ever heard of the term, "the Universal Law of Attraction," it was helping me move toward my dream of becoming a bestselling author. I’ll never forget a conversation that I once had with Arnette Lamb, a New York Times bestselling…

Positive Thinking: Ignore the Trolls if You Want Success
When I first announced to my friends and family that I was determined to become self-employed, living the writing life, I was approximately 13 years old. I'll never forget my father's reaction to my dream of becoming a published novelist. …

Frogs on the Moon? Seriously?
No matter how hard I try, I have NEVER been able to make out the face of a “man” on the moon. Nor have I ever seen a woman nursing a child or bending over a cooking pot with “a little dog nearby,” as Rosemary Ellen Guiley describes it…

Positive Thinking Inspired by Tiger Bunny
Positive thinking and the Law of Attraction are inextricably linked to my writing life. Positive thinking was not an ingrained behavior that resulted from my upbringing, however. I was 35 years old before I finally recognized and accepted…

Moonbows: Glorious Color in the Night Sky
Most people have seen a rainbow after a storm. But have you ever see a moonbow? They’re one of Mother Nature's most glorious examples of "night magic." A moonbow is the prismatic, colored haze that sometimes shows up around the moon.…

Become the Deliberate Creator of Your Life: Law of Attraction
Ever since the third grade, I wanted to become a published novelist. By the time I reached the age of 30, my passion for writing novels had grown so strong, that I was willing to ignore an IRS report that said the average writer earns 7 cents…

Haunted Pizza: My Interview with Ghost Hunters
Whether you’re a paranormal reader or writer, you’ve probably wondered – like me – if there might be some small truth behind the supernatural phenomena in your favorite novels. For some people, exploring this interest is too frightening…

How I Developed my Intuition to Tap my Writing Muse
Writing fiction has always felt like magic to me—especially when I'm in the creative flow, and ideas are pouring through my brain faster than I can type. I've heard other writers describe this flood of imagination as the whispering of their…

Help! My Printer Has a Poltergeist!
I think my printer is haunted. Now I'll admit, I'm not exactly tech savvy. I just pretend to be because I write about API's, DPI's, FPI's, and other mind-numbing acronyms ending in "PI" for a high tech company. My client, who has every…

21 Lessons of Merlin: A Study in Druid Magic
For those of you who love Druid Magic and Celtic Lore, I have a must-read to recommend! In fact, the bestselling books of Douglas Monroe are some of my favorite resources for Rogan Dair, the star character in Book #1 of my upcoming Wizards…

Halloween Traditions: Why Do Witches Wear Pointy Hats?
Halloween is THE day to explore magic! So in honor of all you wizards and sorceresses, it is my pleasure to remind you today, on this sacred Feast of the Ancestors, JUST HOW IMPORTANT your pointy hat is! And why your forebears started wearing…
The Dark Wind Hides a Great Evil: