Become the Deliberate Creator of Your Life: Law of Attraction
Ever since the third grade, I wanted to become a published novelist. By the time I reached the age of 30, my passion for writing novels had grown so strong, that I was willing to ignore an IRS report that said the average writer earns 7 cents per hour.
Then I met a woman who told me, “Adrienne, you don’t have to struggle to live your writing dream. But you do have to think differently if you want to succeed. Have you heard of the Universal Law of Attraction?”
That conversation changed my life. My friend gave me a book titled, Creative Visualization, which had been written by Shakti Gawain 20 years before anyone had heard of Rhonda Byrne or The Secret. Some 40 years before Shakti wrote Creative Visualization, a man named Napoleon Hill wrote Think and Grow Rich. In 1910, Wallace Wattles expounded upon the benefits of creative visualization in his book, The Science of Growing Rich.
The Law of Attraction (LOA) and the secrets for consciously harnessing it have been described by sages of countless civilizations. That’s why it boggles my mind that LOA isn’t better known. Few people recognize that what they focus their attention upon makes them magnetic.
To embrace a belief in LOA can be reassuring, if you’ve disciplined your mind to appreciate all that you have, and all the milestones that you’re achieving toward your goals. But a belief in LOA can be unsettling if your habit is to worry and complain. Why? Because the energy behind negative thoughts and negative associations is making you magnetic to the experiences that you would rather avoid!
You owe it to yourself to focus on what you WANT, not on what you fear. Try it for 28 consecutive days. Write affirmations and create treasure maps (See Gawain’s book for instruction.)
Start with a change that’s a stretch, but one that you believe you can create—just to keep you in the game. You might start with a small goal (as an experiment) and try to “speed up” the time in which you achieve it.
Let me know how it goes!