
What’s Your Superpower? (Part 3: Wind Magic Quiz)

Greetings, Apprentice Mages! I’m back after a rough couple of days, battling a Huffalot.

(Don’t ask.)

However, I have not forgotten my mission to help you receive the magical training that you so richly deserve!

Today, we shall be exploring Wind magic. Of course, not all of you will be qualified to wield the daunting power of the four Winds. 

As some of you already learned from earlier installments of our “What’s Your Superpower?” series, your disposition may be better suited to study a different type of elemental magic. For instance, in Part One of the series, you took Queen Hoodoo’s quiz to determine whether or not you qualified to serve as her apprentice for Stone (aka, “earth”) magic. 

In Part Two, Queen Hoodoo shared the arcane secrets of Stone magic with the apprentices who PASSED her test. (You Fire rowdies didn’t PEEK, did you?  Never mind. Hoodoo will deal with you in her own way.)

WindStrider, the White Crow Sorceress, is a Crystal Elf and the high queen of the mystical order, known as the Aeldoras.

Today’s instructor, WindStrider, the White Crow Sorceress, is a pivotal character from my Young Adult Fantasy series, Guardians of Aeld.

WindStrider is the High Reina of that mystical Order of sorceresses, known as the Daughters of Aeld. She has ruled this organization for well over 2,000 years. 

By nationality, WindStrider is a Crystal Elf, the longest-lived of the Furless races on the planet. Her age is around 4,000 (but she doesn’t look a day over 30.)  She has star-white hair, piercing blue eyes, and a beautiful amethyst-colored gemstar that glitters at the center of her forehead. 

But most importantly to you budding mages, WindStrider is hailed as the greatest living Wind Power on the mystical planet of Aeld.

By the way: WindStrider is her coven name. Her real name is Corvida Creyelle Coro.  (Elves love alliteration.) Back home in Questar, WindStrider acts as the Seer of Souls for the Temple of Arion, where she uses her superior “soul-seeing ability” to determine whether young Elves are best-suited to study spellcraft, warcraft, statesmanship, psi healing—or some other profession.

Air is invisible, but we can hear and feel the presence of Wind.

WindStrider has graciously prepared a quiz to test your aptitude for Wind magic. She wishes to remind you that air, which is Wind magic at rest, is not to be taken lightly. An evil mage, with the power to command air, could snuff out your life in a matter of heartbeats by sucking the breath from your lungs.

Darkrobes might also use blasts of air to fan tiny campfires into raging forest fires, or to whip lazy ocean waves into violent tsunamis. And let us never forget the devastation that hurricanes and cyclones can cause!

WindStrider chose to devote her life to King Mistral, sovereign of the four winds, because she believes that Wind is the most powerful element of all! (But don’t let irascible Queen Hoodoo know that. She’d demand a mage duel.)

Wind Magic Quiz

(Note: You may have to scroll back up the page to see your quiz results.)

Answer “True” or “False” to the following statements.

1. You just can’t understand why people don’t figure things out as fast as you do. For instance, if you’re watching a mystery movie, the identity of the killer is obvious to you. If you’re willing to make the effort during Chemistry Lab, you’re usually the first person to calculate the formula and finish the experiment. Then you wind up helping everyone else.


2. You don’t understand why your friends get so annoyed when you’re only 15 minutes late. (Seriously. They should take a chill pill, right?)


3. You get bored easily. But that’s only because Time seems so SLOW to a creative mind, that’s running at mach speeds.


4. You enjoy analyzing how things work, or why people behave the way they do. You’ve been told that you’d make a great teacher, lawyer, sales person, or psychologist.


5. Your teachers praise your cleverness or intelligence. However, they sometimes warn that you talk too much.


6. Staying home, by yourself, is a drag. You want to attend events or activities in the company of your friends.


7. You think things through. You don’t let emotion get in the way of logic, and that’s why you rarely make foolish mistakes.


8. Your closest friends would describe you as reasonable or fair-minded.


9. You get totally excited about starting new projects. But half way through the project, you find something more interesting to do. That’s why it’s hard for you to finish what you started.


10. You’re curious about everything. You think learning is fun! 


Adrienne deWolfe, Author

What’s Your Secret Superpower?

Everyone has a little magic in them! What’s your secret superpower? Take our fun quizzes to find out! This 10-part series is based on Fantasy characters from Adrienne deWolfe’s upcoming, Guardians of Aeld Series, for Young Adults.

Part 1: Stone Magic Quiz

Part 2: Secrets of Stone Magic

Part 3: Wind Magic Quiz

Part 4: Secrets of Wind Magic

Part 5: Fire Magic Quiz

Part 6: Secrets of Fire Magic

Part 7: Water Magic Quiz

Part 8: Secrets of Water Magic