Tag Archive for: law of attraction

Magic for Newbies: How to Become Invisible

So you want to learn how to become invisible, huh? You came to the right place! You won't need incantations, talismans, magical squares, or a functioning wand.  You won't even need camouflage clothing!  All you need is the strength…
Dark Wind_YA Fantasy_Adrienne deWolfe_Guardians of Aeld

How a Gratitude Attitude Made Me a Miracle Magnet

Quietly, over the last few weeks, I embarked on a grand adventure. I became a Miracle Magnet during my hour of need -- thanks to developing a clear and consistent Attitude of Gratitude. The adventure started around March 28, when the Universe…

Intuition Helped Me Save a Child’s Life

How can we sense danger before it occurs?  How do we attract total strangers who appear, out of the blue, when we need help? Mystics say we’re all connected.  Quantum physicists agree. I started working with Intuition as a lark: …

How the Law of Attraction Made Me a #1 Bestselling Author

Even before I had ever heard of the term, "the Universal Law of Attraction," it was helping me move toward my dream of becoming a bestselling author. I’ll never forget a conversation that I once had with Arnette Lamb, a New York Times bestselling…

Positive Thinking: Ignore the Trolls if You Want Success

When I first announced to my friends and family that I was determined to become self-employed, living the writing life, I was approximately 13 years old. I'll never forget my father's reaction to my dream of becoming a published novelist. …

Positive Thinking Inspired by Tiger Bunny

Positive thinking and the Law of Attraction are inextricably linked to my writing life. Positive thinking was not an ingrained behavior that resulted from my upbringing, however.  I was 35 years old before I finally recognized and accepted…

Become the Deliberate Creator of Your Life: Law of Attraction

Ever since the third grade, I wanted to become a published novelist.  By the time I reached the age of 30, my passion for writing novels had grown so strong, that I was willing to ignore an IRS report that said the average writer earns 7 cents…