Entries by Adrienne deWolfe

Magic for Newbies: How to Become Invisible

So you want to learn how to become invisible, huh? You came to the right place! You won’t need incantations, talismans, magical squares, or a functioning wand.  You won’t even need camouflage clothing!  All you need is the strength of your intention.  According to the Ancients, intention is the real power behind magic. I can’t […]

How a Gratitude Attitude Made Me a Miracle Magnet

Quietly, over the last few weeks, I embarked on a grand adventure. I became a Miracle Magnet during my hour of need — thanks to developing a clear and consistent Attitude of Gratitude. The adventure started around March 28, when the Universe slapped me upside the head.  Translation:  I had to increase my income.  Fast.  […]

Reincarnation: Did I REALLY Live in the Old West?

After all the cool chats I’ve been having with other authors about Reincarnation, I had a bizarre experience of my own, that I had to RUN to the keyboard to tell ya’ll about. First, I should probably confess that I am wholly open to the idea of Reincarnation.  You may not be.  And that’s okay.  […]