Tag Archive for: writing

Lucid Dreaming: How to Bust Through Writers Block
I love how my Writing Muse communicates with me through my dreams, especially if I set an intention to bust writer’s block while I sleep.
A couple of years ago, I got stalled writing Seduced by an Angel. I panicked, because I was on a…

Haunted Pizza: My Interview with Ghost Hunters
Whether you’re a paranormal reader or writer, you’ve probably wondered – like me – if there might be some small truth behind the supernatural phenomena in your favorite novels.
For some people, exploring this interest is too frightening…

21 Lessons of Merlin: A Study in Druid Magic
For those of you who love Druid Magic and Celtic Lore, I have a must-read to recommend!
In fact, the bestselling books of Douglas Monroe are some of my favorite resources for Rogan Dair, the star character in Book #1 of my upcoming Wizards…