Cool Perks! Free Books!
Plus Discounts on Fiction Coaching…*
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What is a Street Team?
Fab readers and volunteers, who tell readers how much fun an Adrienne deWolfe book is!
What do Street Team members do?
- Basic social media stuff – tweets, retweets, “likes,” blog comments, etc.
- Write reviews of the deWolfe books that you like, and post your reviews to Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, Shelfari, and other online review sites, where appropriate.
- Ask your local librarian to carry Adrienne deWolfe eBooks. (Only a few of my books are available in paperback. Need a paperback edition? Let me know.)
- Distribute swag and goodies at reader-friendly meetings that you’re planning to attend “anyway.” (Notify me several weeks in advance, and I’ll send you goodies to pass out.)
- Win prizes!
How does it work?
I will email you news about my books, and you will share the news with your Social networks – earning yourself a chance to win special prizes.
What do Street Team members receive?
Members are eligible for my random “Street-Team Only” giveaways. Prizes may include:
- Gift cards
- New books (not necessarily mine!)
- Special keepsakes, commemorating your favorite Adrienne deWolfe book.
- Reduced rates on mentoring / coaching services for Aspiring Authors *
Note: Whenever you post something to your Social Media network, please shoot me an email in case I miss it. That way, I’ll make sure you receive extra chances for cool prizes!
Street Team Guidelines
- Seek out readers who are fans of Romance (especially Historical Romance and Western Romance.)
- Seek out readers, who are willing to try a new author or genre.
- Recognize that some people don’t read Romance or enjoy Westerns. That’s okay. Smile and move on.
- Speak with enthusiasm, and thank everyone who listened.
- Share the positive, ignore the negative. (Street Team members NEVER criticize or attack another Human Being through Social Media or on the Internet.)
- Have fun and be sure to email me when you’ve promoted my work, so I can give you extra chances to win a prize!
To join my Street Team, send me an email, and I’ll get you set up!
* Please Note: One-on-one fiction coaching is available for writers 18 and up.